Gooding PTA
Why Should I join?
- The #1 reason to join the PTA is to benefit your child. But there are many more PTA advantages
- Be a Role Model. By becoming a PTA member, you’ll be demonstrating to your child the importance you place on education.
- Get Connected. There’s no better way to know what’s happening in your school.
- Tap into a Network. PTA functions are opportunities to meet other parents and teachers building a rapport. You can share ideas and experiences.
- Witness Improvement. By getting involved you’ll be part of the solution, helping make positive changes. The PTA plays an important role in fundraising to provide important funds that go directly back to the school to benefit the children.
- The Gooding PTA was established in 2008. During the last 4 years we have raised $59,838.00, all of which has gone directly back to the school.
What has the Gooding PTA Accomplished?
- Provided funds for Field Trips each year for all Grades; Sponsored Family Fun Nights, Movie Nights, Reading Nights
- Allocated funds to social services and school nurse for supplies
- Provided funds for 5th grade graduation and 8th grade graduation and Kindergarten graduation
- Provided funds for Kindergarten and 3rd grade binders for all kids
- Held Teacher Appreciation Week each year.
- Run the Star Store, which provides prizes for kids based on points they acquire reading.
- Provide an Awards Assembly where students are recognized for accomplishments. Provide recognition each month to kids and post their picture on the wall for PTA Awards, Marvelous Manners, Super Trooper, Shining Star, and School Spirit.
- Held a fun Bingo Night and a Fall Luau, Provided funds for Middle School Dances
- Brought in a school wide assembly (The Summer wind Skippers) for the Elementary and Middle School
- Provided funds to each classroom for classroom supplies.
- We support the school by handling the Campbell’s and Box Tops Program for the School.
- Painted the Blacktop with new games, and continue to keep the paint upgraded.
- I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do. –Helen Keller