Gooding Jt. School District #231
Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda
February 13, 2018  7:00 p.m.
Administration Offices 
507 Idaho Street
  1. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance
    1. Determine if a Quorum is Present (Roll Call)
    2. Waive the reading of the minutes of the previous board meeting as submitted to each board member.
    3. This meeting may be taped in its entirety for the record.
  2. Public Comment -  Those wishing to address the Board must fill out a Request to Appear before the Board (Policy 1520F) and submit it to the Board Clerk before the beginning of the meeting
  3. Action Items
    1. Consent Agenda
      1. Approval of previous minutes (Drafts until Board Approves)
        1. January 9, 2018
        2. January 29, 2018 Special Meeting
      2. Personnel
        1.  New Hires: Cheryl Moen, Joelann Cope (SpecEd paras); Josh LaCroix-Head Golf Coach, Rosa Beadz-MS Soccer girls, Jake Sporin-MS Soccer boys, Joyce Sage-Head Tennis Coach, Lucy Stapp-Asst Tennis Coach, Cendra Byland-Asst Tennis Coach, Kent Seifert-Head Track Coach, Mandy Stockham-Asst Track Coach, Joseba Zatica-Asst Track Coach, Ronnie Metcalf- MS Track Coach, David Norby-Baseball Head Coach, Eric John-JV Baseball Coach, Bill Balch-Volunteer Baseball Coach, Shane Prince-Volunteer Baseball Coach, Cody Martin-Volunteer Baseball Coach, Tracy Black-Volunteer Baseball Coach, Shawn Patterson-Head Softball Coach, Samantha Adkinson-Assistant Softball Coach, Curtis Fleming-Volunteer Softball Coach, Jon Cook-Volunteer Softball Coach; Tyrone Hutchings - JV Softball Coach
        2. Resignations:  Linda Ellis (Preschool para); Araseli Granados (Food Service); Brodie Parrott (GMS AD); Joanne Cavaness (playground monitor); Chad Avery (GMS Principal); Adrian Celaya (GHS football)
        3. Rehire of Administrators:  Brandee Sabala, Leigh Patterson
    2. Approval of the Bills
      1. February 5th
      2. Second half of January:  Batch A, Batch B
  4. Information Items
    1. Scheduled Visitors/Hearings
      1. GEA
      2. Dallas Burroughs of Garland
    2. Reports:
      1. Superintendent Report
      2. Food Service Report
      3. Financial Report
        1. Revenue and Expense
        2. Balance Sheet
        3. Board Financial Report
      4. Gooding High School Report
        1. GHS Funds
      5. Gooding Middle School Report
        1. GMS funds
      6. Gooding Elementary Report:  GES Newsletter
        1. GES funds
      7. Upcoming Events:  ISBA Day On the Hill Feb 19th-20th
  5. Action Items Cont.
    1. New Business:
      1. GHS roof repairs - Award a Bid
      2. Alternative Authorization:  Stephanie Patterson - Endorsement for Early Childhood
      3. Policy 2395  Idaho Digital Learning Academy Classes
      4. Policy 2140 Student and Family Privacy Rights
      5. Policies:  3rd and Final Readings
        1. 5825 Evaluation of School Bus Drivers
        2. 5400 Leaves of Absence
        3. 5710 Paraprofessionals, Teacher Educators, Paraeducators
      6. Executive Session: 
    2. Next Regular Meeting: March 13, 2018
    3. Future Agenda Items: 
    4. Adjourn