BOARD HEADER updated copy
Gooding Jt. School District #231
Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda
May 9, 2017  7:00 p.m.
Administration Offices 
507 Idaho Street
  1. Call to Order 
    1. Determine if a Quorum is Present (Roll Call)
    2. Waive the reading of the minutes of the previous board meeting as submitted to each board member.
    3. This meeting may be taped in its entirety for the record.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Public Comment -  Those wishing to address the Board must fill out a Request to Appear before the Board (Policy 1520F) and submit it to the Board Clerk before the beginning of the meeting.
  4. Executive Session: Per Idaho Code 74-206 Section B: To consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or indiviudal agent, or public school student.
    1. Action:  Possible expulsion of Student A
    2. Action:  Discipline of Teacher A
  5. Action Items
    1. Consent Agenda
      1. Approval of previous minutes (Drafts until Board Approves)
        1. April 11, 2017
        2. April 27, 2017 Special Meeting - Negotiations
        3. May 3, 2017 Special Meeting -Negotiations
      2. Personnel
        1. New Hires: Leigh Patterson (GHS Principal); Rebecca Larsen (GMS Science); Bryce John and Shane Prince (Volunteer Baseball coaches); Joshua LaCroix (GES Special Ed Teacher); Justen Mills (GMS Special Ed Teacher)
        2. Resignations:  Chris Comstock (Boys BBall); Joelann Cope (Spec ed para); Jerry Diehl (GHS math); Nick Gonzales (GMS math); Patty Owen (Para); Cyndi Gonzales (GMS Language)
        3. Rehires:  Samantha Adkinson (GES teacher); Samantha Wight (Secondary language); GES, GMS GHS, and Special Ed Certified Staff  List
      3. Out of State Travel:  Hosa - Orlando; Football Camp - Utah
    2. Approval of the Bills
      1. May 5th
      2. Second half of April:  Batch 1; Batch 2
  6. Information Items
    1. Scheduled Visitors/Hearings
        1. GEA
    2. Reports:
        1. Superintendent Report
        2. Food Service Report
        3. GHS fund report
        4. Financial Report
          1. Revenue and Expense
          2. Balance Sheet
          3. Board Financial Report
        5. Gooding High School Report
          1. GHS Funds
        6. Gooding Middle School Report
          1. GMS funds
        7. Gooding Elementary Report:  Monthly Newsletter
          1. GES funds
  7. Action Items Cont.
      1. Unfinished Business:
      2. New Business
        1. FY18 Board Goals
        2. Certification of Election of Trustees
        3. Approve Going out to Bid for Modulars
  8. Executive Session:  Per Idaho Code 74-206 Section A:  To consider hiring a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, wherein the respective qualities of individuals are to be evaluated in order to fill a particular vacancy or need.
    1. Action:  Approve Superintendent Contract
  9. Next Regular Meeting: June 13, 2017
  10. Future Agenda Items:  Employee Handbook, Transportation
  11. Adjourn